Saturday, October 1, 2011

Fake It 'Til You Make It

For a long time I have lived by the phrase "fake it 'til you make it." By and far, from my point of view, it has been a wild success. 

At any point in time where I am feeling nervous, anxious or unsure of my ability to handle a particular situation, I just fake it. I do everything in my power to convince myself and others that I know what I'm doing or what I'm saying and everything works out for the best.

I'm curious, however, if this attitude has ever completely backfired.

I used it in my job interviews, on the first couple of dates with the boy, every time I meet new people when I'm out with friends, and frequently when I'm in an unfamiliar situation at work.

The reason that many people have to fake it usually revolves around fear that what you know and are capable of simply isn't good enough. I live in fear of that daily. I am well aware that I am a good person, I'm likeable and I get along well with almost everybody. I'm good at my job and I'm constantly surprised by how much I have retained from my six years of higher education. Being sure of that does not keep me from having serious anxiety about whether I will perform at or above expectations set by myself or others.

So, I guess two life lessons that I've learned in college:
1. All about "overcoming adversity" --- thank you Coach Currier and the Truman Softball teams constantly changing schedule for teaching me that one
2. When all else fails, FAKE IT 'TIL YOU MAKE IT!

Here's to being insincere until we are comfortable enough to be our true selves.

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